Like many of you, I’m at home today. Since I’m self-employed, that’s not as earth shattering a change as I’m sure it is for most of you out there, but it’s still not as it once was. For one thing, everyone else is home too. That normally only happened in the summer...
Difficulty Damn. Enough said. Equipment 25 feet of linear space, 2 50lb dumbbells and a pull-up bar. Time 12 minutes – a loooong 12 minutes The WOD (Masters 40-44 Men) 2 rounds of: 50ft walking lunges with 2 50lb dumbbells in rack position (35lb scaled) 16 toes...
Difficulty Challenging, yes. But you’ve done just as much in a CF class within the last week, I’d bet. Equipment Various. Your Box will have what you need. Time One workout every week for 5 weeks, announced each Thursday starting on Feb 23rd. Think about...
A very simple sequence of 12 movements you can chain together and do at home, requiring only a chair and something like a carton of milk or heavier to use as a weight. Each movement is described in as much detail as needed, and one or more scaling options are provided...
A full post about the awesome “Under the Lights” Throwdown competition between Rocky Lake Crossfit, Crossfit Ironstone and Blended Athletics will be coming soon, but for now I wanted to share some of the pics I look of the Rocky Lake Crossfit team during...
Difficulty Moderate. It doesn’t last long but your body won’t know that. Even scaled wallballs take a toll on your legs in a hurry. Equipment Wallball, high ceiling, jump rope and barbell – so not really at “at home” workout Time 14...